The pitches at Camac Valley are laid out in such a way that physical distancing can be practised.
Physical distancing is not required between members of the same household but customers are required to physical distance from staff members and individuals not from the same household.
Customers in caravans and motor homes are requested to use their own toilets and showers.
There will be showers and toilets available. No brushing of teeth, hair drying or loitering allowed.
We will not have any laundry facilities (there is a laundry bank a the the local garage).
The campers kitchen will be open but social distancing will be in place.
Children should be supervised and made aware of the physical distancing rules.
A welcome and safety information sheet will be provided.
Guests may pay the balance of their stay in advance of arrival. They can then drive directly to the entrance gate where a member of staff will advise them where to go and supply them with their information pack
Only one guest should enter reception if prepayment has not been possible.
Hand sanitiser will be available at the entrances and exits.
A rigorous cleaning regime will be in place. A systematic disinfection and sanitation will be carried out twice daily together with an adhoc disinfection of high traffic areas and surfaces.
Every effort will be made to ensure everyone can enjoy their visit and stay safe and well.
Remember physical distancing required those not compliant may be required to leave without refund.